An effective floor planning module and structural grid ensures optimimum flexbility.

Second Floor

45,745 sq ft NIA
UK Legal Cellular
Multi floor occupier

On floor occupancy
1:8 Sq m - 525 persons
1:10 Sq m - 420 persons

Work space
Offices - 159 seats
Open plan desks - 63
Quiet rooms - 23 seats

Collaboration & social
Collaboration area - 8 seats
Social area - 120 seats

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 96 seats
Client meeting rooms - 148 seats

Total seats: 617


Second Floor

45,745 sq ft NIA
Creative Tech

On floor occupancy
1:8 sq m - 525 persons
1:10 sq m - 420 persons

Work space
Offices - 12 seats
Open plan desks - 212 seats
Quiet rooms - 18 seats

Collaboration & social
Collaboration area - 118 seats
Social area - 149 seats

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 62 seats
Project rooms - 127 seats
Client meeting rooms - 48 seats

Total seats: 746


Second Floor

45,745 sq ft NIA

Financial (trading floor)

On floor occupancy
1:6 Sq m - 700 persons
1:8 Sq m - 525 persons
1:10 Sq m - 420 persons

Work & client space
Open plan desks - 326 seats
Offices - 30 seats

Collaboration & social
Social areas - 46
Collaboration areas - 88 seats

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 81 seats
Client meeting rooms - 180 seats

Total seats: 787



Floor to ceiling perimeter glazing and a central atrium maximises natural light provision throughout the office hours.

Eighth Floor

27,803 sq ft NIA
UK Legal Cellular

On floor occupancy
1:8 Sq m - 309 persons
1:10 Sq m - 247 persons

Work space
Offices - 79 seats
Open plan desks - 26 seats
Quiet rooms - 18 seats

Collaboration & social
Social area - 76 seats 

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 18 seats
Client meeting rooms - 85 seats
Auditorium - 36 seats

Total seats: 317


Eighth Floor

27,803 sq ft NIA
Creative Tech

On floor occupancy
1:8 Sq m - 309 persons
1:10 Sq m - 247 persons

Work space 
Offices - 9 seats
Open plan desks - 108 seats
Quiet rooms - 48 seats

Collaboration & social
Collaboration area - 76 seats
Social area - 101 seats

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 56 seats
Client meeting rooms - 72 seats
Auditorium - 54 seats

Total seats: 521


Eighth Floor

27,803 sq ft NIA
Financial (client suite)

On floor occupancy
1:8 Sq m - 309 persons
1:10 Sq m - 247 persons

Work space
Open plan desks - 135
Offices - 23 seats

Collaboration & social
Collaboration area - 85 seats
Social areas - 135 seats

Meeting rooms
Internal meeting rooms - 33 seats
Client meeting rooms - 106 seats

Total seats: 517


A leading team
assembled to bring
work to life

A development by




Structural Engineer
Heyne Tillett Steel Ltd

M&E Consultant
Sweco UK Limited


Planning Advisor
Gerald Eve LLP

Fire Engineer
OFR Consultants Limited


Stuart Lawson

+44 7870 555930

Nick Pearce


Simon Crotty

+44 7826 947267

Freddie MacGregor

Hugh Tayler

+44 7801 959513


Woolgate, 25 Basinghall Street, EC2

©2024 Stanhope